As a busy mom, sometimes it can be hard to make time for some of your favorite hobbies! Today, I want to talk just a little bit about how to read more books as a busy mom. I will be sharing how I got over my reading slump and started reading more books while still balancing my chaotic home life.
When my kids were little, I did not read anything. In fact, I spent seven years in a reading slump not reading a single book for pleasure. While I read books for school, I just didn’t prioritize reading for fun.
This wasn’t what I wanted though. I wanted to read more books but really thought I just didn’t have the time. Come to find out, I DID have time to read, I just had to decide if I wanted to actually make reading a priority.
So I tried a few things, and guess what? They worked! I started reading more with these simple tips:
- trying audiobooks
- cutting down on TV and Movies
- read in bed instead of scrolling my phone
- read while my kids are in bed
- take a book to sports practices
How to Read More: Mom Edition
Being a mom isn’t easy, and making time for hobbies can be seemingly impossible. Hobbies are important though. If reading is the hobby that you love, then you need to make sure you get some reading time in.
Moms are so self-sacrificing, and it is important to take some time for YOURSELF and what YOU love to do. So if this is something you want to do, then try some of these tips to read more books.
Try Audiobooks
Audiobooks don’t tend to work for me. I have never found one that I can retain, but so many readers I know love them
Audiobooks are perfect for busy moms too! They let you listen to a book while you are doing something else. You have free hands to rock babies, do chores, wash dishes, or do whatever else you need to be doing.
Do a “Time Audit”
If you really want to make more time for reading, you may want to do a “time audit”. By this, I mean take an accounting of where you are spending all of your “free time”.
I know, “free time” is rather scarce as a mom, especially if your kids are very young. But I promise, if you do an audit, you may be shocked at how much time you actually have.
For me, I was surprised at the amount of time I was spending watching TV and playing on my phone. I managed to take note though, and now instead of watching Hulu, I pick up a book and read a few chapters.
Stop the Scroll
Speaking of time, I was spending quite a bit of time scrolling social media on my phone at night.
Now that I think about it though, I make sure to set my phone down and pick my book up.
I get most of my reading done in bed now when my kids are asleep. Honestly, I am probably sacrificing some time that I could be sleeping, but really, I think most of us moms end up doing other things when we should be sleeping.
Nighttime when the kids are in bed is PRIME mom ” me time” so it is hard to just go to sleep and waste it. Use it well doing something you love, and if that’s reading then great. Grab yourself a reading lamp, your favorite book, cuddle up in bed, and read away!
Take a Book to Sports Practice
If your kids are a little older, like mine, then they may be in sports.
The time they are practicing can become the perfect time to enjoy some reading.
I take my Kindle Fire to my daughter’s gymnastics practices twice a week and that gives me a full hour a day of dedicated reading time!
You Can Read More as a Mom
As you see, there are many different ways to make time to read more books, even as a busy mom. These are all low maintenance, inexpensive, and can help you pick up one or two hours a day that you can dedicate to reading!
So pick up an audiobook, take a book along to practice, stop watching as much TV, and use your nighttime phone scrolling as reading time instead!

Book lover, coffee addict, mom of dragons (aka rambunctious kids). I share book recs, mom life survival tips, and the occasional existential crisis.
[…] is no reason to continue on reading a book you aren’t loving. Even if it is a Netgalley book or an ARC for review, you are not obligated […]