I love nothing more than a well-written female character. Some of my favorite fantasy books have female protagonists, and while it is not possible to talk about every single female character I love, I do want to share a few of my absolute favorite female fantasy characters.
The Best Female Characters in Fantasy
I remember a point in my life when I only wanted to read books with female protagonists. While I no longer read-only from a female perspective, it is still one of my favorites. I enjoy a well-rounded female fantasy character. One who can be a kick-ass fighter while still embracing her emotions and feminine side.
I enjoy female characters who want a romance but don’t need one. Who are independent but know when to ask for help. These are my favorite female protagonists, and honestly, they should probably be your favorites as well.
Vin: The Mistborn Series
The Mistborn series is one of my absolute favorite fantasy series. It is the series that I credit for getting me over a seven-year reading slump.
One of the best things about the Mistborn series is the main character, Vin. She is a poor orphan living with a band of thieves at the start of the book.
By the end, she is the most badass and powerful female fantasy character out there today. She is nuanced as well. While she is insecure at times, confused, and not ” super girly”… She still finds a romance she wants, loves pretty dresses, and learns how powerful she really is.
If you have not yet read this series, I recommend picking it up as soon as you can because this book series lives up to all the hype.
Essun: The Broken Earth Series
Not only does the Broken Earth series have one of my favorite female protagonists, but it also has one of my favorite male characters as well!
This is just another one of my favorite series. It leans more towards sci-fi, but I would classify it as “sci-fantasy”.
We follow multiple perspectives, but my favorite is Essun. She is an older mother who has these amazing powers that she has had to hide in order to fit in with society.
In the first book, she is a mom on a mission. Her young son was murdered and her daughter taken, and she is going to avenge him and get her back.
Lila Bard: A Darker Shade of Magic
This one may be a bit controversial. I have heard quite a few people say they do not like Lila Bard. A few people say she is the epitome of the “not like other girls trope” but honestly, I don’t really see it.
She never looks down on girly girls, she just isn’t one herself. She has adapted to a specific lifestyle in order to stay alive. Lila Bard has this tough outer shell but through the series, it starts to soften and we get to see the person behind the mask.
A Darker Shade of Magic is a fantastic fantasy series by VE Schwab. Lila is a poor street thief in a land with no magic, who ends up on a magical adventure with Kell, a magical royal from a land flush with magic.
I find Lila complex and lovely to read about, even if she can be frustrating at times.
This is an adult fantasy book, but it is one that I would highly recommend for someone wanting to venture from YA fantasy into Adult fantasy.
More Female Fantasy Characters
Check out my full list and gush all about the best female fantasy protagonists on my YouTube video!

Book lover, coffee addict, mom of dragons (aka rambunctious kids). I share book recs, mom life survival tips, and the occasional existential crisis.
[…] I may not be a romance reader, I do love a good romance in my sci-fi and fantasy books. When the romance is a beautifully done side plot, it complements the main plot, and I absolutely […]