Check out this list of book tag videos that you can add to your filming list today!
Book Tag Videos
If you are looking for some new videos to film for your BookTube channel, you may want to try some book tags. These videos are a lot of fun to film and perfect for when you aren’t quite sure what you want to film.
Tags are a great way to get your channel noticed as well. People will look through different tag book tag videos to get inspiration for themselves. That will potentially bring them to your channel during their search. They are also a great way for viewers to get to know your reading style since you will be talking about a lot of different books while answering the questions of the tags.
What Are Book Tags?
Not sure what book tags are? No problem! They are actually pretty simple really. Book tag videos are basically just videos where you answer a list of bookish questions. People come up with themed lists of questions and put them out there as a tag. Answer the questions and tag other content creators.
Tags are great because, at the end, you will “tag” other creators to do it themselves. This helps get more eyes on your video and potentially get more mentions and make more bookish friends!
There is no shortage of book tags out there for pretty much every single sub-niche of bookish content. Seriously, just go to YouTube and search fantasy book tags and I guarantee you will get thousands upon thousands of results.
Anyone can create their own tag! The beauty of tags is that the only limitation is your imagination! If you don’t feel like making your own, then you can go ahead and film some of the ones mentioned here. Just remember, if you film a tag that someone else created, always make sure to shout out and link to the original video.
Mid-Year Book Freak Out
One of the most popular tag videos that booktubers film pretty much every year is the mid-year book freak-out tag. This is a seasonal book tag where the questions are all about your faves and least faves of the year so far.
This tag is so big that it has pretty much taken on a life of its own. There are even a few different variations of the questions that you can choose from based on what you feel like filming.
BookTube Newbie Tag
Another super common tag that pretty much everyone films is the BookTube Newbie Tag. This tag tends to be most new Booktube Channel‘s first video.
It is a great way to introduce your channel and tell people what your content will be like and what kinds of books you enjoy reading. This tag tends to get a lot of views as well since people tend to always be searching for new BookTube friends.
Unpopular Opinions Book Tag
We all have some unpopular opinions, so why not talk about yours with the ever-popular unpopular opinions book tag? This one is a lot of fun and can be a little spicy as well!
Books & Makeup Tag
So as you can see in my video, I am not good at doing makeup. But I still had a lot of fun with the Books & Makeup tag.
If you are good at applying makeup, you can really make this one a lot of fun and get creative with your look. It is also a lot of fun even if you are like me and can barely apply mascara.
Do I Have That Book Challenge
Challenges are a fun take on the typical tag video. I love challenging myself in these videos, and I love watching other people do them as well.
This Do I Have that Book Challenge tag is a great way to learn more about the books you have and have a good time making a fun video.
Blindfold Book Challenge
Another fun one is the blindfold book challenge. This is a great one to do with someone in your house or even a really fun booktuber collaboration if you are able to get together with other content creators.
BookTube Giving Tag
This is another one that comes around once a year. Created by Elliot Brooks, the BookTube giving tag is not only fun but a great way to potentially give back.
Elliot donates to a different charity every year and uses this tag to drum up support for different worthwhile causes.
End of the Year Book Tag
Yup, you guessed it. Another seasonal book tag video that you can film every single year!
A fun structured way to talk about your entire reading year in review!
BookTube Real Talk
This may be one of my favorite book tag videos. It is a cool way to get an inside look behind the curtain of booktubing and content creation.
The questions talk about things like filming setup, regrets, and favorite booktubers. Honestly, since I am a social media marketer by trade, this was one that I loved because I got to combine both of the things I enjoy together in one video.
The 25 Questions Book Tag
This is a fun one because it has a tendency to get LONG! When I did it, I had to split it into two different parts since I was rambling on so much while answering the questions.
Contradictions Book Tag
The world is filled with contradictions, and the online bookish community is no different. The Contradictions Book Tag is another fun one that you can film where you talk about all the ways your reading tastes contradict each other.
More Book Tag Videos to Film
This is by no means a comprehensive list of all of the book tag videos out there. These are a few of my personal favorites, but if you are looking for more ideas, you can check out my book tag playlist with over 50 more booktube tags that you can try out!

Book lover, coffee addict, mom of dragons (aka rambunctious kids). I share book recs, mom life survival tips, and the occasional existential crisis.
[…] from the truth though! Those typical videos are fine. Make your book hauls, wrap-ups, TBRs, and tag videos. They are easy and fun to do, plus, people expect them and they get […]