While I may not be a romance reader, I do love a good romance in my sci-fi and fantasy books. When the romance is a beautifully done side plot, it complements the main plot, and I absolutely love it. These are, in my opinion, some of the best romantic relationships in fantasy and sci-fi books.

Romance in Fantasy & Sci-Fi Books
I am picky about my fantasy romance though! I don’t like love triangles, I don’t love when the romance is the main story, and I don’t love super needy couples.
So when I say these books have amazing romance, I mean it!
That being said, if you like to go into your book completely blind, then please, don’t read this or watch the video. I will be talking about the romantic relationships from these books, and these aren’t always clear from the start. Consider yourself warned!
A Darker Shade of Magic

A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab is the first book in one of my favorite fantasy series. The romantic relationship(s) are very much side plot in this series, but they are so well done.
I actually love both sets of romantic relationships in this series. It may be impossible to see which one I enjoy more.
Lila Bard, our main female protagonist, may be my favorite character, and therefore her romance may win out slightly. That is mainly because she is a fiercely independent character.
I love that she WANTS to be with her love interest, but she in no way NEEDS him. That whole idea of “wanting not needing” makes this one of my favorite romantic relationships in fantasy.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Another VE Schwab book with a beautiful fantasy romance is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.
This is a historical fantasy standalone following Addie, who made a deal with the darkness to live forever. But that deal came with a cost, and now everyone she meets for all of eternity is cursed to forget her as soon as she isn’t in their presence.
Addie LaRue was one of my favorite books of the year last year. It is a bit slower-paced, very character-driven, and just a beautiful story.
I actually have a full spoiler-free review that you can check as well
Air Awakens

I don’t read a ton of books that are classified as fantasy-romance, but when I do, I am a sucker for Elise Kova. Kova is a self-published author and all of her books are available on Kindle Unlimited.
Her favorite book that I have read is the Air Awakens series. This is a YA, bordering on adult, fantasy romance. What I love about this book is that while romance is a huge part of the story, there is SO much more to the plot as well.
There is a well-done magic system, war, cost of war, and politics. I highly recommend picking this series up if you love fantasy-romance.
House in the Cerulean Sea

Another one of my favorite books of the past year, House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune has a beautiful male/male romance.
This is just such a sweet and wholesome book about a middle-aged social worker who goes to spend a month investigating a very special orphanage for magical children.
The best way to describe this book is just a warm hug! It is sweet and lovely and has one of my favorite slow-burn relationships in fantasy!
Get More Relationships in Fantasy
Want to see more of the best romances in fantasy? Then head over to my YouTube and check out my full video gushing about all of my favorite fictional romantic couples.
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Book lover, coffee addict, mom of dragons (aka rambunctious kids). I share book recs, mom life survival tips, and the occasional existential crisis.
[…] the world of fantasy, for some reason, it seems like there are mainly straight romantic relationships. That really isn’t the case at the moment though, and fantasy has really started to become […]